simply brilliant!

I have been told my blog’s brilliant! Not once but twice! By two very lovely bloggers themselves. Yay! Yayy again!

Silvara awarded me this award saying “Love hearing about her everyday life – she’s a fighter, a writer, a dancer and lots lots more. She is the epitome of the Supermom/woman and is a great read.

A few days later

Mystic Margarita awarded the same saying “A superwoman, if there ever was one, she manages her family, career, blog, and everything in between with the exquisite grace of a dancer.

Needless to say am quite thrilled and happy. It brought a smile to my face when Silvara posted. She and I have been reading each other awhile now and though I feel honored to be thought of that way it was a warm fuzzy feeling. Good stuff. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect and it gave me a reason to smile. Thanks Silvara. :)

When Mystic posted, I was shocked, thrilled, wowed all rolled into one. I couldn’t believe my eyes. To think mystic felt me worthy of an award was flattering and embarrassing together. You see, mystic herself is an amazing woman. It made for sweetness. I don’t strive to be a “superwoman” and I most definitely don’t try to fit into roles defined out for me, and I pretty much do what I feel is right and proper. There are more out there, a tad crazy like me, pushing themselves and loving the adrenaline rush that such roles give us. So dear mystic, to think I am super is just your kindness and magnanimity. Really and thank you! :)

I felt like jumping up and dancing to this song, though, no I really couldn’t move an inch never mind jiving to it. :)

Purpose of the award:

This award is for blogs whose content and/or design are brilliant as well as creative.The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogosphere.

Before I start to list, I have to mention Krish Ashok’s acceptance on this award. I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes. He wrote and I quote “When I first saw the logo, I thought it was a Telugu ad by an ink manufacturing company hoping to gain some cred in the blogosphere by sponsoring an award of some sort. Bril ante Weblog.” . If you know a smattering of telugu you’d enjoy it better, or ask the telugu guy next to you. You may find it hard to get a good cup of coffee, but telugu chappies are all over, or aunties, whoever you may choose! :)

For the past few months Ive been sorta out of it and haven’t been doing the rounds. Just started reading and commenting on blogs again, and now I hand this award out to seven brilliant blogs. I was trying to link to blogs I have not mentioned before, not that the previous mentioned ones aren’t brilliant by any degree, but more to avoid repetition and showcase new ones on my reader.

The blogs I award this to: (in alphabetical order)

1. Apple: She writes in my kind of telugu. English script but telugu langauge. The best of both I say! :)No jilebis (read telugu letters) running into each other, the kind that after a few lines, my eyes start going around in circles and I get a headache. (I LOVE the language, just can’t read it comfortably for long periods of time!) Anyway, she is a sweet funny, girl, and am hugely envious of her family and the bond they share.
2. Altoid: Sensitive and elegant, her words have a smoothness that are not casual yet intimate.
3. Lakshmi: A lovely writer. She churns scientific writing and casual writings with equal elan. Not sure if everyone can read her as she’s at vox now, but a membership’s worth it all.
4. Pysriac: The guy speaks, breathes, lives and blogs movies. There are many film-based blogs, but he appeals differently.
5. ShyamRam: A lovely woman, unafraid to speak her mind, and boy does she play with words? Like her Sunday scribblings a whole lot.
6. Sia: Food blogs almost always are appealing if you like food that is. I like the way she presents them, witha little history, a story, a background or a variation.
7. Yogamum: She amazes me with her frankness, the resilience she shows and the serene way she leads her life. As another mom am constantly amazed at how much of a teacher she is to her kids and the humor that she carries with her through the days.

I thought this was going to be hard, but I guess I do read some fine people alright! :)

I also realize today – August 31st is 4th BLOG DAY. Couldn’t have asked for perfect timing in promoting blogs one reads as asked and expected today. So read, enjoy, reflect, promote and spread the love people.

21 thoughts on “simply brilliant!

  1. Oh, thank you so much for your kind words! I was feeling a little bit uninspired about blogging lately, but when I hear that what I write might be meaningful to someone…well, that keeps me going! Thanks so much!

  2. Wow congrats Rads! without a shred of doubt you are a super women :) I also appreciate myself for reading some good blogs and most of the ones I am regular at have been awarded brilliant!!!

    Each one of ur post is entertaining and well written. Keep going rads

    u really inspire me :)

  3. WHATTTTTT???? I drop in after ages and am nominated? I am deeply honoured.
    Congrats Tiger Eyes, I totally second with Sylvara and Mystic that this blog is totally worth the award.

  4. Yay,YAY! you go, Rads! :)

    love the song, KamalH is just awesome.pretty sure, you gonna be jigging in no time.:D oh, i found those transparent umbrellas at Laila Rowe but with some flower prints on it.

  5. AI keep following this blog regularly too, but usually can’t come up with an intelligent comment worthy of the post.
    Or, it could be plain lethargy. Someone scrape me off the floor please…

  6. max: Nice no? Good good, enjoy the brilliance :)

    Lakshmi: Oh please, a comment’s feedback, making small talk and everything in between. It’s fun, so jump in. Intelligent and all are for intelligent posts, and I don’t see any of those kind here :)

  7. :).

    Rads- What IS wrong with you? I thought just 4 days ago I told you if there were two things I didnt approve of about blogs- it’d be tags and awards!

    Yanyway- thanks much. I will feature it and do the needful(there are two tags which I have conveniently ignored and an award that I accepted and never passed on). With this kind of bad blog karma, there’s no hope for me :P

  8. pilgrim: Kahan they aap? What take time off, none there for me to :(
    Nice link!

    Altoid: Do you see anywhere in my long post about this being a “tag” or that you have to continue the “tag”?
    I was being genuinely nice and honest about what I said for each of you. :P

  9. rads, thank u for passing an award. to tell u frankly, i am more happy abt the fact you dropped at my space to leave a line than actually receiving an award ;) and more than that i am glad to discover your blog. so thank you.

  10. Shyam: You welcome, and that speech was awesome! You need to take some 101 classes here ;)

    Sia: haha, but of course. We all love comments and feedback. :)

    mayG: haha :)

    bookworm: My connection to the real world, thanks! :)

  11. Congratulations RADS :)

    And Thanku soooooo much…ee award already iddaru friends ichaaru naaku, appude dappu kottesi bloglo pettesa :D Ayina sare malli post chesthaa…award kadaa enni saarlichina baagaane vuntundiga…Thanks again :)

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