off to world finals…

Will be leaving for the airport in the next 45 minutes, and I am not sure Ive packed everything. Have that weird nagging in my head that I am forgetting something though…

anyways, it’s exciting :-)

K1 and me off on a 4 day trip to OM World Finals at Des moines University. She gets to stay in the dorm, and I sharing with a lady who’s probably bringing her kitchen with her. I was so pressured into this whole share-a-van and in-the-middle-of-nowhere talk, that I myself am carrying soem noodle packs and cookies! Talk about peer-pressure among adults!! Should be an interesting 4 days.
All I care is to be amongst these creative witty, funny, and out-of-the-box-thinkers from all around the globe. Yayy!

..and then I stay 4 days from seeing my little k3. She probably won’t miss me as much as I will. ..and then it’s her birthday tomorrow, and I am missing it.

I must be a horrid mom :(

TTYL, and have a good memorial day weekend.

7 thoughts on “off to world finals…

  1. whoa, tats awesome….. gud luck to K1 n Happy Bday to K3!!

    ppl whose names starts with K seem to be brilliant, huh??

  2. Good luck to K1 :-) She sure will be awesome.
    K3 is fine .just wished her this morning! She and dada seem to be having a nice tiem together!

  3. Thanks guys!
    haha@KC’s comment. nicknames count too KC ;-)

    The whole week was was a blast, and I will be writing about it soon. It was an experience that was very thrilling and informative!

  4. lol@shilpa. Though the question sounded so innocent, you probably are hinting about my sparse blogs ;-))

    Ok, how about 24 hrs from now? Promise. :-)

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